Friday, September 23, 2011

My 2012 WIPs List

Thanks so much, Vickie, for starting this blog. I tend to have startitis so hopefully this will keep me focused in 2012.

Here's a partial list of my WIPs (yes, there's many more than this, I'm sorry to say!) I'll be finishing at least six (hopefully lots more) from this list in 2012.

1) Red Thread "Connected" and border (Bent Creek)
2) It's Cold Outside (Blue Ribbon Designs)
3) Santaberry Pudding (Shepherd's Bush)
4) Winter Band Sampler (LHN)
5) Christmas at Hawk Run Hollow (CHS)
6) Postcard from Paradise (Blue Ribbon Designs)
7) Noah's Promise (Shepherd's Bush)
8) Woodland Winter (Dimensions)
9) Winter Wingding (Blue Ribbon Designs)
10) Quaker House (Blackbird Designs)
11) My Stitching Treasures (Jeannette Douglas)
12) Christmas Mantle (Bent Creek)
13) Traveling Stitcher (LHN)
14) Santa's Magic (Mirabilia)
15) Scatter Snowflakes (Shepherd's Bush)
16) Teddy Bear afghan (Stoney Creek)
17) Spooky Fence (Raise the Roof)
18) Peter's Cotton Knits (Raise the Roof)
19) Christmasland (Raise the Roof)
20) Noah's Ark Collector (Alma Lynne)
21) Blooming with Inspiration (Blue Ribbon Designs)
22) January Calendar (Mill Hill)
23) Seasons of Change Row (Bent Creek)
24) Letters from Nora -- Letter G (Nora Corbett)
25) Joyous Christmas (Shepherd's Bush)


  1. Terri..this is a great list of designs!! Can't wait to see them stitched!!!

  2. Thanks, Vickie! It will be nice to have some of them finished.
