Saturday, October 20, 2012

Quilting Update from Stitching in Sunny Cal

 I've been doing some quilting.  I'm not the best quilter in the world, but not the worse.  Maybe if I actually took a quilting class I would get better.  But until then I will do my best.  So here are my squares that complete the actual pieced portion of this quilt The Thimbleberry 2009

I have to fix the one square - you can see that the upper left square is put in wrong :(  So I need to rippppppp and re-sew it, but once that is done that all of the squares that needed to be assembled have been!!!  And all I'll have left to do is cut out 30 6 1/2" squares from the material that looks like it's appliqued, and then assemble the body of the quilt.  I'm not sure I'll get it done this year, but I'm a lot close than I was back in January.

I also got a square re-assembled on my Thimbleberry 2008 quilt, I've not made as much progress on that quilt as I have on this one, I'm not just as thrilled with it as I was when I started.

Here is another set of squares that I got done - maybe month 11.  I like the colors in this quilt and this blue is really pretty.

This last square should have 3 smaller ones to match, but I didn't do them, instead I stitch the big square twice!!  Oh well, since I have to go back and re-do the top square, I guess I can look at getting these 3 small ones done at the same time.

Hope you are all making progress on your 2012 projects, time is ticking down - only about 71 more days and 2012 will be history and it will be time to set our sights on 2013 - so what do you have in mind for your 2013 challenge?


1 comment:

  1. The green and pink sure makes a pretty combination! You are so talented and make so many beautiful quilts! I love them all!
