Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Kelly S. updated UFO List

Okay, so I finally had a chance to sit down and go through all of my UFO's and WIP's and came up with this list. I used a random number generator to choose which projects I would work on. I picked seven, one for each day of the week. That way I won't get bored, hopefully! :) I set up a WIP page on my own blog for this list. I also added a page for "Charts in Waiting" which I own and would like to stitch someday.

Here is my list:
1. Window 1 - Suthern Stitchin' model
2. Lattice 1 - Suthern Stitchin' model (in rotation for Wed)
3. Carnation Quaker Sampler - Martina Dey
4. Heart Note Alley - Sticklounge SAL
5. Odds and Ends 4 - Tam's Creations
6. Swiss Topiary - Crown Stitches 2008 SAL (in rotation for Sun)
7. ABC 1900 SAL
8. Grace Quaker - Sampler Cove
9. Blackwork Challenge 1 - Tam's Creations
10. Dragon Stocking - HAED (in rotation for Mon)
11. Queen of Hearts - HAED
12. Arabian - Golden Kite
13. Splendor - Hearts Content
14. Berlin Work Sampler - Sticklounge Group (in rotation for Fri)
15. Spanish Rouge - Sampler Cove (in rotation for Tues)
16. The Village of Hawk Run Hollow - Carriage House Samplings
17. The Knot Garden - Chatelaine - Martina Weber
18. A Rose for Every Season "Winter" - The Silver Lining (in rotation for Thur)
19. The Industrious Bee Sampler - Theron Traditions
20. Summer Sampler - Butternut Road
21. Mother's Prayer - Janlynn Kit
22. Rose Sampler - Ellen Maurer Stroh 2008 SAL (in rotation for Sat)
23. Adorn Thy Heart - With My Needle - Ellen Chester

My goal is to whittle this list down to 7 in 2012. Starting next Monday I'll post WIP pics of each piece in my rotation with a before and after. Ya'll wish me luck! I'm going to have to have smoking needles to meet my goal, but I'm going to give it my best shot.


  1. Thanks, Vickie! My list of "Charts in Waiting" is up to 70......... :)
